Faith Clinic


Dr Sunita Manchanda has been working on many projects carried by IAP,AHA,AACCI , HARObGyn .She has been taking educative sessions with schools and community organizations

Indian Academy of Paediatrics, Newborn Resuscitaion Program: First Golden Minute Project. (IAPNRPFGM)

She has been associated with this project of IAP-NNF-FGM since 2011.She has worked in various capacity Regional Trainer NRP and State Coordinator Haryana ( 2017-2021). She has actively taken part in organising BNCRP programs in Gurgaon and has been invited as trainer for Advanced NRP and National TOT ( Tranining of trainers) at various places. This has enriched her organising and teaching skills and also helped her to contribute for a cause.

Through this project Indian Academy of Pediatrics in partnership with American Academy of Pediatrics and Later-Day Saint Charieties ( LDSC) USA intend to embark upon an joint venture to reduce the infant mortality and morbidity rates in India through NRP education and training            

Awareness and Educative Sessions

She has been invited by many schools,NGOS  for taking session on awareness about nutrition,Growth & development ,Life Skills Education ,Parenting and many other issues