Faith Clinic

General Health Services

General Health Services

Each stage in your child’s growth and development comes with its own challenges.Our experienced staff provides services from new born e.g guidance about “new born care” to  ‘understanding your adolescents’ as per needs .Our team is experienced to diagnose ,treat and care for your children as they grow and develop.

Health Services

1. Diagnosing and treating acute illnesses :

Treatment of general paediatric condition like  respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, ear and nose infections etc

2. Health Check up :

Health and well-being checks from birth to adolescence, annual well-child check up, and Pre school health check up are being conducted here.

3. Monitoring Grwoth and development :

Monitoring children for  growth and  developmental milestones and idenify any growth and developmental delay at the earliest and manage accordingly.

4. Immunization

Childhood immunizations for children from birth to adolescence and advice on travel vaccination as and when required.

5. Nebulization

Even in era of newer modalities for the management of respiratory problem, we feel still parents’ information about nebulization and Inhalers use is lacking. We at this clinic have the Provision of providing education about nebulization and providing nebulization to the child if needed.

6. Guidance Services: Guidance about the following issues are provided here.

  • Guidance about breastfeeding and lactation,
  • Guidance about complementary feeding
  • Educating children and families about healthy lifestyles and disease prevention, including proper diet, exercise, and sleep habits.
  • Guidance about behavioral concerns of children and providing age-appropriate advice.

7 School Health Services:

  • Conducting  sessions for children’s ,parents and teachers on awareness about  changes during adolescence ,life skills education, anger and stress management, over use socialmedia use etc as per needs of the school.


8 Adolescent Clinic :

 We provide  Adolescent Clinic services by running Adolescent Clinic for children age 10 years to 19 years.

9 Rapid Diagnosis , Referral and continuity of care.

To avoid delay in diagnosis timely referral is also done if needed.Follow up and communication with the concerned specialist is beging  maintained for continuity of care.